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Stomach Bug Relief

Stomach Bug Relief therapy is the ultimate IV drip treatment for combating symptoms of the Stomach Bug or Winter Vomiting Bug. With specialized medication to treat nausea, an anti-inflammatory, and a pro-motility agent to aid in fast recovery.

stomach bug IV drip
Natural Model

Stomach Bug Relief | IV Therapy

Our Stomach Bug Relief therapy is the ultimate IV drip treatment for combating symptoms of the Stomach Bug or Winter Vomiting Bug. With specialized medication for nausea, an anti-inflammatory, and a pro-motility agent, you may be given treatment to aid in your fast recovery. Don’t waste your day in bed with regret, and get back on your feet.

Our Stomach Bug Relief IV drip treatment package includes:

  1. 1000ml Lactated Ringers or Normal Saline Solution
    All three medications available (medication provided will be discussed during your consultation)


  2. Anti-heartburn (reflux)
    Anti-inflammatory (pain/headache)
    Promotility agents (help move stomach contents down GI tract)

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